Sunday, December 28, 2008

No Power

I woke up this morning around 5am to the sound of a power transformer crackling. My alarm clock was dead and none of the lights would turn on. The battery backup for my computer was beeping as it normally does when the power drops, driving my puppy crazy. So April and I both woke up for a bit. At first I was afraid to let the dog out in the off chance there was a downed power line in the area. The wind was so strong that that very feasibly could have happened. At first I took her out on a leash, surveyed the area, and then let her run around on her own.

It was about 11am before the power came back on. If another hour had gone by I most likely would have gone to my mom's for the day. The house temperature had dropped to below 60. Winter is not a good time to lose power.

Puppy Action Shots

The day after Christmas, I decided to go ahead and pick up the Canon Rebel XSI camera. The first thing I decided to do was try and take some action shots of the puppy with it. At first I tried the sports mode, but I found this to be kind of lacking. It doesn't use the flash so for indoor pictures they came out very grainy with bad coloring. Instead, I tried to capture the picture by just focusing and then timing my click with the puppies catch of her toy. The camera was very responsive and this ended up working. With my previous camera there is no way this would have been possible. Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Noah's Public Talk

My brother Noah gave his first public talk yesterday. He did an amazing job. A lot of people agreed that it seemed like he had been given talks like this for years. He demonstrates great ability as a speaker and I can tell he is only going to get better.

After his talk the entire family and friends went up to Champs and had some dinner. Even though they packed us in tight we all had a lot of fun.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Lizzy Playing In The Snow

This is Lizzy's first time really being able to play in the snow. Last year she was too little to really run around in it. Now she's much bigger and loves it!

Snow Part 2

It's hard to tell from the picture how high the snow is piled on my deck, but let me tell you, there was a ton of snow to shovel.

Auto Companies Getting Bailed Out


We've already gotten a ton of snow this morning. I did an initial bout of shoveling so I wouldn't have to deal with shoveling 12"+ of snow at once. When it gets that deep everything goes soooo much slower.

What to buy?

So I'm debating between picking up a camcorder or a new digital camera. I'm currently looking at the Sony SR11 HD Camcorder and the Canon Rebel XSi. I already have a digital camera, but the quality of pictures could definitely be better and the startup time and shutter lag is a pain sometimes. Having a camcorder would be really handy though. We just finished watching through some old home movies of April's the other day. It's very nice to have videos as pictures can only tell so much.

Decisions... Decisions... Decisions...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yet Again

So I started a blog on blogger for my soon to be coming kids. I've decided I'd create a blog for topics that don't really fit on that blog. Granted, I've already got my own blog on my website, but I find it a pain to continue to host it myself. One day I'll get around to copying my posts over. Really it ended up just being a blog about my dog Lizzy.

Hopefully with things consolidated on one site I'll post more often.